Mary Cane

Mary Cane

Sharing the different aspects of my creative practice through thinking, making and writing, centred around the research into the contemporary grandmother experience, folklore, and creative ways with family history.


This is a breadcrumb trail of blogging that leads through a forest of thought processes to an uncertain destination. It is concerned with the experience of the post war generation of women becoming grandmothers, in particular grandmothers with their grandchildren living far away. It follows my research as a Phd Student at the Ethnology Department, (The Elphinstone Institute), of the University of Aberdeen.


As an artist with the luxury to please myself, I am able to work on projects that intrigue me. It may be the transformation of a piece of family furniture, a project with my community or a memory box for a grandchild. Spoon carving, Mumming costumes, or photographing the marks a snail makes as it munches the algae on my shed window.


Here you will find a selection of my stories for children, articles about my local area just north of Aberdeen in Scotland, poetry and family history work.

There’s a journey we must go on, and no delay.

Kasuo Ishiguro

Get In Touch

  • 01224 272996

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The Elphinstone Institute

The MacRobert Building

581 King Street
Aberdeen AB23 5UA

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